Embracing Gladness for a Fulfilling Life

Wherever you are, or whatever has happened, just be glad. Just be glad and your fate will change; a new life will begin, and a new future will dawn for you. All things that are good and desirable will begin to come into your world in greater measure, and you will be enriched far beyond your expectations, both from the without and from the within.

When fate seems unkind, do not be unkind to yourself by becoming disheartened or dismayed. Instead, rejoice in the great fact that you are greater and stronger than any fate; that you have the power to master your whole life, and determine your destiny according to your own invincible will. Resolve to prove that strength, and let all the elements of fate come with you and work with you in building the greater future you have often longed for in your visions and dreams. 

When calamities or catastrophes have overtaken your life, do not think that fate or Providence has ordained it so. Do not believe that it has to be that way. Instead, let go of sorrow and loss, and congratulate yourself on the fact that you now have the privilege to build greater things than you ever knew before. Do not weep over loss, but rejoice in the opportunity to demonstrate the greater wisdom and power within you. You have been ushered into a new world. Before you lie vast fields of undeveloped and unexplored opportunities, fields that you would not have known had this seeming misfortune not befallen you. So count it all as joy. All things are working together for a greater good. Now it is up to you to step forward in joy and embrace the greater good. A richer life and a greater future await you.

Be glad for the things you have, and you will find that you have far more than you thought. Then you will not miss, in the least, the things you do not have. Besides, the happier you are with what has come to you, the more and more will come to you in the future.

Be glad, for nothing is as serious as it seems to be. Remember that sunshine can banish any gloom, and you have the power to create all the sunshine you need within yourself. So just be glad.

Be glad because you choose to be glad, regardless of events, and you will have found that fountain of joy within you that is ever ready to overflow. Above all, embrace gladness, and you will soon possess those things that bring gladness. Be your own sunbeam, and you will attract a million sunbeams. Be the source of your own joy, and you will attract everything and everybody that can add to your joy.

Christian Larson. “Just be Glad” (1912)

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