A Treatment for Healing

I look for the good and the good only. I see the good in everything and everybody. God is Good and He gives to me above all I ask or think. I see in Him my loving Father, my gracious Redeemer. I perceive the harmony in all things, and the beneficent mind of the Universe. God is Father of all, and therefore I behold in everyone my friend and brother. No man’s hand is set against me; and my hand is not set against anyone. All men everywhere are my kindred, and I am a friend to all.

Beholding the infinite response of nature, man and God to my mood, I am today thinking only high and fine thoughts. I am filled with the brightest and finest faith and emotions.

(Now take up the thought of healing for body or conditions. Think how the sickness is due to wrong thinking somewhere. Find out if you can the mental cause that produced it, and mentally or physically cast it into outer darkness — which is to recognize that it has no power over you and is therefore nothing to you.)

The only power this has I have given to it. I now withdraw the power, which is my belief in this evil; and it falls into elemental nothingness. I am now full of faith in my healing. I am a child of Spirit — perfect and complete. My thoughts are thoughts of health and harmony.

I now receive health and harmony; Creative Mind is working to create for me a perfect correspondent to my thought. My thought is perfect, my faith is sure. I have a perfect concept of health. Today I am healed.

I thank Thee, Father, that thou hearest me always. Today I talk with Thee and walk with Thee”; I am sure of myself and Thee and All.

So be it.

Fenwicke Holmes “The Law of Mind in Action – Daily Lessons & Treatments in Mental & Spiritual Science”

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