Choosing the Law you will Live Under

Each of us selects the law under which he will live. It is not true that we make the law ; but we decide which law we will obey. The citizen lives under the civil law which he has helped to make. If he did not make it, still he elects to live under it, for he can emigrate to another country or he can refuse to obey it. The soldier puts himself under the military law and the sailor submits himself to the law of the sea. The physician subjects himself to the law of medicine, and the osteopath to the law of manipulation. The fearful trembling soul elects to live under the law of chance and finds himself in a world that corresponds, with accidents, floods, and sudden storms. The drug fiend, the drunkard, are ruled by the law of their choice, preferring its hard tasks rather than the surrender of its sensations. The pessimist chooses to live under the law of the cloud; and the optimist under the law of the sun. The materialist lives in a world of matter governed by material laws and in a universe of fatalism. The glorified soul says, “I live in a world of mind and will obey its laws. I have my being in a world of spirit and can control my own conditions. I exist in the heart of the Infinite and will enjoy Its fruits of love, for the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, and peace.”

What law are you living under today? You may choose which one. But remember that within each law the fundamental principle of the universe is still at work , every cause will have its effect. Every good deed has its reward ; every evil word has its consequences; every act of faith will draw its high behest from heaven.

Today, therefore, let me choose to live under the highest law of being, and let me go on in perfect security. If I keep my law, my law will keep me. If I obey my law, my law will obey me. Let me not forget that I make my world by the thoughts I think.


My law today is love, faith, prosperity and truth. I look unfalteringly into the future for I am today sowing the seed for my future harvest, and it is good. I expect a good harvest. So today I rest in peace and faith. I trust in God. His law is love.

Fenwicke Holmes – “The Law of Mind in Action”

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