Conquering Fear: The Power of Positive Thinking

You fear debt. So, your mind concentrates upon it and brings about greater debts. You fear loss, and by visualizing that loss, you bring it about.

The only remedy for fear is to know that evil has no power—that it is a nonentity—merely a lack of something. You fear ill health when, if you would concentrate that same amount of thought upon good health, you would ensure the very condition you fear to lose. Functional disturbances are caused solely by the mind through wrong thinking. The remedy for them is not drugs but right-thinking because the trouble is not in the organs but in the mind.

The Bible contains one continuous entreaty to cast out fear. From beginning to end, the admonition “Fear not” is insistent. Fear is the primary cause of all bodily impairment. Jesus understood this and knew that it could be abolished. Hence, His frequent entreaty, “Fear not, be not afraid.”

Struggle there is, and struggle there will always be, but struggle is merely wrestling with trial. We need difficulties to overcome, but there is nothing to be afraid of. Everything is an effect of the mind. Your thought forces, concentrated upon anything, will bring that thing into manifestation. Therefore, concentrate them only upon good things, only upon those conditions you wish to see manifested. Think health, power, abundance, happiness. Drive all thoughts of poverty and disease, of fear and worry, as far from your mind as you drive filth from your homes. For fear and worry are the filth of the mind that causes all trouble, that brings about all disease. Banish them! Banish from among your associates anyone with a negative outlook on life. Shun them as you would the plague.

Have you ever stood on the shore of a calm, peaceful lake and watched the reflections in it? The trees, the mountains, the clouds, the sky, all were mirrored there—just as perfectly, as beautifully, as the objects themselves. But try to get such a reflection from the ocean! It cannot be done because the ocean is always restless, always stirred up by winds or waves or tides.

So, it is with your mind. You cannot reflect the richness and plenty of Universal Mind; you cannot mirror peace and health and happiness if you are constantly worried, continually stirred by waves of fear, winds of anger, tides of toil, and striving. You must relax at times. You must give the mind a chance. You must realize that when you have done your best, you can confidently lean back and leave the outcome to Universal Mind.

Excerpt from the book “The Secret of the Ages” by Robert Collier (1926)

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