I and the Father are One

I am conscious of my at-one-ment of nature with the Father. I know that God is all and that there is none other but He.

Since He is all and yet “I am,” therefore, “I and the Father are one.” Since we are one, I share his nature and resources. All that the Father hath is mine. My soul thrills with the wonder of it, my thought enlarges, I pass into deep experiences of joy in the revelation that is mine.

I can, because God can. I know, because I am instructed by Him Who Knows. I cannot fail, because God fainteth not, neither is He weary. I wait on the Lord that He may renew my strength. I trust in the Lord and I am therefore as Mount Zion which cannot be moved but abideth forever.

Now, take time to meditate on the wonderful powers and possibilities open to you. Your resources cannot fail. Failure is due to the fact that you have not drawn upon God. Take what you will. Ask and ye shall receive.

Then meditate on the fact that as you share the nature of God there is no mind in the universe greater than the mind in you. Why then should you cringe before the opinions of men? Why should you walk in fear of criticism, tradition, or prejudice of others?

I form my own opinions, I make my own judgments, I set my own standards. I am a man! I am a master of life! I do not try to tell others how they must go. By my life I show them how they may go.

I am glad for this new freedom of consciousness. I am glad that I share the nature of God for this means that I am eternal, I am indivisible from the Father, I am truth, I am life, I am wisdom, in my inner being. The inner man is perfect and day by day I shall now show forth this perfection in my acts and thoughts. I am a child of the Living God. And I am glad.

Fenwicke Holmes – Excerpt from the book “The Law of Mind in Action”

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