The Rich Mentality -Part III

The rich mentality is always original. You are original because God made you so. I say you are original, but do you insist upon it? Are you even willing to be original? I question whether you are willing to be as God made you. How splendid and royal and kindly, if every one would be willing to be original! To be original is to be a God-Man. It is to be well and to be at home. When you do not feel at home it is because there is too much pretense. I mean that we are too willing to go with the crowd, that we would rather be a counterfeit than the genuine self that God made us. There would be a great transformation if you would take the stand that God never made two exactly alike. We are all independent, and yet beautifully interdependent —independent in one way, and from another standpoint, interdependent. If we realized this there would never be selfishness and discord. It would be the Bellamy plan come to fruition. Every man would find his work, his place, and we would all be doing what we enjoy doing. That would indeed be the Golden Age.

Insist upon originality and resources will come to you when you are pushed or cornered. You will be the resourceful one that God made you. God will impress upon you the new way and means to take.

I have a cousin in the West who is an original thinker, who never insists on doing things as other people do. He has ideas of his own because he dares to think with God and to let God think through him. He believes that if he should lose all that he has he could easily regain it through this consciousness. In talking to some club friends one day he affirmed that, if given a nucleus, even though it appeared useless, that he would make it produce something without the use of capital. The friends took him up and he promised to try it out. Looking about for some nucleus they saw a pile of scrap tin which was about to go into the garbage wagon. It certainly looked useless and impossible. But the friends said, “There it is!” and they left the shop laughing. He felt almost vanquished by his nucleus, but he looked at it and concentrated his mind upon this tin and he said: “This tin will tell me what it can do, what is can shape and form and what can come out of it.” Presently there came into his mind the picture of a little matchbox. And so, he began to cut and bend and pretty soon he had shaped a little matchbox. He called a boy passing along and asked him to take the matchbox out and try to sell it for twenty- five cents; that, if he did, he would give him ten cents of it for selling it. The boy came back delighted a little while later, having sold the matchbox for twenty-five cents, and receiving the ten cents promised. So, with this capital of fifteen cents my cousin invested in some paint with which to decorate the match boxes. The boy being so happy with his sale, soon brought several other boys, who also wanted to sell matchboxes, and so in the course of several weeks he had quite a capital as a result of that scrap tin. And he proved there is a law within us that we need never remain cast down or crushed if we will not believe that we are crushed or cornered, but keep our eye on the original way out.

We have had such false teaching about prosperity from the pulpit. Yet the Churches and Cathedrals stand as monuments of prosperity, though the ministers have declared that Christ was poor and that in some strange way his followers should also be poor. Jesus Christ was not poor. How can you think that he was poor, or is poor? Why, we are all poor compared to him, as we are manifesting today. If you know not of what wealth consists, are you not poor as a Vanderbilt who on his deathbed cried out, “Poor and needy indeed”, because his wealth consisted of things which he could not take with him, and his mind an empty void.

Jesus Christ was the wealthiest man who ever trod this earth. He needed not to exercise any effort to maintain himself. He sent his disciples forth, telling them not to provide two coats, or shoes, or to take scrip with them, for, he said, “The man I send forth is worthy of his hire,” that is, he will be maintained by a Divine Law. After a time, he said to them, “When I sent you without purse and scrip, lacked ye anything?” and they said, “Nay, Lord, we lacked nothing.”

Jesus Christ was not poor. Would you be poor if you could heal every disease that came to you? Would you be poor? Would you be poor if you could raise a dead man from the tomb? Would you be poor if you could turn weak water into rich wine? Would you be poor or would you be rich? Would you be poor if you could take two loaves and five fishes and feed five thousand Belgians today with all they want and have much left over? Would you be poor or would you be rich? Be sensible! Was Jesus Christ poor? Why he had the miracle working Mind — the Mind that increases through rich thinking, rich knowledge. And so my Christ is not a poor Christ. I wish I were as wealthy. What were a million dollars in your hand to that power he possessed? Which would you take? Not one of you would hesitate a second if you are sensible. You would be wealthy with that knowledge.

Paul says that whereas Christ was rich, he took upon himself poverty that we might be rich. That is, he took upon himself the appearance of poverty and he proved that having is not prosperity, but if one think richly he is indeed the wealthiest of men.

If you are working consciously with the great law of God, you are inspired. Ask yourself, “Am I inspired in the work! am doing? Do I put enthusiasm into my work? Or am I working as a slave man, driven and bound?” If the latter, heal yourself of these thoughts and become enthusiastic.

The rich mentality does not scorn to work or scorn any character of work. It loves to work because inspired in all that it does. I said that no man could work for money only. A man demonstrated this once by hiring a man for three dollars a day just to take a brick up from a spot on one side of the street and place it in another spot across the street and vice versa all day long. At first the man entered into the job with alacrity, but he soon grew weary, and the outcome was that he threw up the job, refused to work at it and said he would rather starve than to work one more day at such a terrible job as that.

We are not here to work for anything less than to unfold our God nature, our Divine Self, and this is not possible when we concentrate on money alone. What is money? Why, you are the creator and maker of money. You put into it all that makes it of value and you can withdraw that and it is not worth any more than sand. God did not make money valuable; to him there is no difference between a pebble and a diamond.  

You must give if you would get; the man who forgets to give, forgets how to receive.  He closes the door of receptivity; he closes the door of life and is like a lake which, unless opened at both ends, becomes stagnant. Many people are planting disease, physical poverty and misery of all kinds through not maintaining the other half of the law of Prosperity. They want to receive only, but the law is not a hemisphere, it is a sphere. It is only as you bring the two parts together and recognize that giving and receiving should be equal, that you can weld them into a unit and have the law work for you. “With what measure you give, it shall be measure back to you”

This mind that is the Rich Mentality never takes offense nor receives an insult. Think about that — it never receives an insult. It never feels hurt and is never discourage; it is never jealous. It is never angry, because anger us poverty of consciousness; no one gets angry until he thinks he is inefficient or is conscious of a sense of weakness. The Rich mentality never knows malice; resentment never suggests itself to it. It is never doubtful of the good or its possibilities. It never listens to words of ill report and therefore never repeats them. It does not gossip nor love iniquitous things because the rich mentality is LOVE. It has always words of praise for all who come within its presence. It has no enemies, is not self-seeking and knows no pride. “Let this mind be in you” and your body will become perfect, enduring, strong and beautiful, and your affairs full of delight and plenty.

The rich mentality does not look for flaws, is not complaining; never worries, frets nor fears; never anxious nor overcome; it never fights, resists, nor in cowardice turns its back. Hate is unknown to it and death has no terrors, while sickness is completely under its control. It is never sad nor gloomy; it never dwells upon evil for five minutes ; it has no doubt of the power of good : does not condemn nor judge, all because it is the Mind of God, the richest Mind in all Being.

Let us be silent for a moment and entertain these statements. Let us relax and open our hearts to the Greater Self, to the Self more abundant, to the One Self of us which is not duality nor multiplicity nor division, but One Self, radiantly beautiful and divine, the Self that is described only in deific terms.


I am rich in God’s love.

I give my best to the world and the best the world has comes back to me.

I am Prosperity. I am Success. God made me so.

I claim my own freely and fearlessly.

My Prosperity is based upon the true foundation, therefore is changeless, is GOD, and the Spirit, overshadowing and indwelling, my one and everlasting good. Amen!  

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